In general content marketing is a good way to attract potential customers and at the same time retain old customers through continuous engagement. However, content marketing may not have the same effect across all businesses. Content marketing works better for some businesses and not so well for some.

Depending on the type of business that you are in your content marketing can produce different results. Every business should have a content marketing strategy. However, the amount of resources that you put into content marketing should vary. For some businesses I recommend putting your focus into what I call toolkit marketing. Toolkit marketing is basically to create functional and useful tools for your customers to use. To help make their life easier.
Over the years of my marketing career I have found that in general contents that are fun and content that are time dependent works best. Working best means attracting more views and interaction from your customers.
In general I found two types of contents that works best. 1. content that are fun and 2. content related to time dependent news